Community Impact
As an artist one of my biggest goals for Street Serenade Apparel is to further develop my brand into one that speaks to the concept of “The Rose That Grew From Concrete” across different avenues. Through that message, art, and fashion, I found my purpose in wanting to help youth from neighborhoods and cities like mine who are interested in the arts and design but do not have the financial backing or resources to do so. With that, The Heartbeat of The Streets Scholarship was birthed. Through my brand I've been able to supply school necessities, a laptop, workshops and mentorship to reach back to communities and youth throughout New Jersey. Street Serenade Apparel LLC is here to change the narrative and put the “unity” back into community. When one wins, we ALL win. Nobody's got US like we got US.
I want to remind my audience that you are not a stereotype, nor is being a product of your environment your only option. Celebrate your damaged petals and know that these concrete restraints cannot refrain us from blossoming into our full potential. There’s beauty in the struggle and with that we must embrace our journey…from the ground up.